Denim Workshop Series: Anti-Boredom Block Printing


10/17- Denim Workshop Series: Anti-Boredom Block Printing


In this upcycling workshop, we will be playing with the versatility of block printing. This process is perfect for covering up stubborn stains or adding some personality and pattern to things that feel a little boring or BLAH! Pick your prints from our little lino-library or bring your own trash texture objects (see below*)


No experience required!


BYOD- Bring your old denim!


*IF YOU HAVE IT: Objects such as large leaves,veggies or fruits that have a flat surface (citrus, apples etc) bubble wrap, chains, strings, caps, forks and any other item that can be inked and pressed down into fabric.



DATE: 10/17

TIME : 6 to 8:00

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